pramattasya bahubhir, paroksair hayanair iha
varam muhurtam viditam, ghatate sreyase yatah
(Srimad-Bhagavatam: 2.1.12)
many, many years pass uselessly in the life of a person intoxicated
by mundane pleasures. Better if only for a moment he realises that
he is losing valuable time, for he may thus become serious to attain
his eternal benefit."
Sukadeva Goswami says that one moment is sufficient to solve the whole
problem of life, if it is properly utilised in sadhu-sanga.
At all costs, try to utilise the opportunity of sadhu-sanga,
the association of the agent of Krishna. What is the necessity of
living for ages and ages if we are unconscious of our own interest?
One moment properly utilised is sufficient to solve the whole problem
of our life, for which we are eternally wandering about in this plane.
We must be wakeful to our personal interest, not negligent.