majestic Indra, who'd been fuming in his rage,
Exercised modesty, and repented his faults.
Descending from the sky, he stepped up to the boychild,
And from fullness of heart he went down on his knees.
"My Lord!" he spoke, "the person who kneels before You now,
Is no longer a High Lord, a proud and mighty king.
I'm only Your servant, who hopes for Your forgiveness,
And if he wins Your favour, he'll have all he wants!"
Noble-hearted Gopal answered him like this:
"Indra, My dear servant, now you see your faults,
You no longer desire this evanescent world.
To come to you I took the form of a small boychild,
Just to save your heart from binding, crass desires!
"I see that you regard Me no longer a child,
Your heart is purified, let me embrace you now!"