Header: Preaching in Siberia Jan 2003

By plane and train to Siberia: Sripad Avadhut Maharaj and Prabhu Srutasrava (taking the picture!) are warmly welcomed by the devotee community.

Devotees out and about in the week's 'heat wave,' with temperatures averaging -15 to -20 degrees Celsius — well above normal.

View from the bus window, and finally in the warmth of the devotees' shelter in Siberia.
Standing, left to right: Prabhu Srutasrava, Prabhu Ananda Niketan, Prabhu Dhananjaya, Prabhu Vishnu Datta, Lila Shakti Devi Dasi, Prabhu Premananda, Sripad Avadhut Maharaj, Hari Dasi Devi Dasi and Prabhu Dina Dayal.
Sitting, left to right: Hari Dasi Devi Dasi's daughter, Gokuleshvari Devi Dasi, Malini Devi Dasi, Prabhu Gaura Charan, Prabhu Naradev, Prabhu Shoban Krishna and Audarya Lila Devi Dasi.

Back in Moscow, the weather was considerably warmer. Prabhu Brahmananda, Sripad Avadhut Maharaj, and Prabhu Kalachand in Moscow.

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